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[International Exchange] Vice President of Marquette University Visits SoB

On the afternoon of November 3, 2023, John M. Baworowsky, Vice President of Marquette University, GAO Chong, Director of Curriculum Center in China, and WEI Hongliang, Project Director of Curriculum Center in China, visited SoB, accompanied by DING Hao, Vice Dean of SoB, and CHEN Xiao of International Accreditation and Exchange Office.


DING Hao introduced the development of SoB

On behalf of SoB, DING Hao first extended a warm welcome to the delegation of Marquette University. He especially introduced SoB’s orientation of “Global Vision and Chinese Way of Business” in running school, its mission of “training international high-end business talents” and the SMILE values. Besides, he added that SoB constantly promotes its international and digital characteristics, continuously improves its education and teaching system, and actively carries out in-depth cooperation with Alibaba and other enterprises to improve students’ practical ability. CHEN Xiao shared with John Baworowsky and the delegation the good news that SoB students recently won the Best Sustainable Business Model Award in the 929 Challenge Startup Competition between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. This reflects the students’ international vision and their application of knowledge. While upgrading innovative entrepreneurial skills, they provide new ideas and plans for agricultural cooperation and expansion in less developed areas, demonstrating the responsibility of businessmen. John Baworowsky was impressed by our distinctive international characteristics and the SMILE values. He expressed his appreciation and congratulations on our fruitful work and achievements closely centering on our features.


The two sides discussed and exchanged views

Subsequently, John Baworowsky and his entourage visited the national innovation and entrepreneurship education practice base. CAO Tingting, Director of the Teaching and Research Department of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, led the guests to visit the functional zones of the national practice base, and introduced the student teams such as Quanyibang and Mumu Technology. Students were invited to show the development process and prospects of their teams, based on which the two sides had a friendly exchange. Our beautiful environment, talented students and strong strength have been unanimously recognized by the visiting guests. John Baworowsky thanked for the warm reception and hoped to take this visit as an opportunity to promote practical cooperation between the two universities in teacher-student exchanges and joint training of students.


Group photo

Source: School of Business and School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

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