On July 16th, GuangwaiEntrepreneur Association MBA Program starts. It is jointly initiated byGuangwai Entrepreneur Association and MBA Education Center, School of Business,GDUFS. The guests attended the opening ceremony included: Jiao Fangtai, VicePresident of GDUFS, Dong Xiaolin, Former Vice President of GDUFS, Gu Pu, VicePresident of Bauing Group, Zhu Wenzhong, Dean of School of Business, GDUFS, ZhiXiucong, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Business, Bi Jianyong,Deputy Secretary General of GDUFS Alumni Association and Associate Deans ofSchool of Business, Yuan Denghua, Liang Jie and Qiu Weinian. The opening ceremonywas hosted by Wang Gang, Director of MBA Education Center, School of Business,GDUFS.
Singingthe National Anthem
This program, with 30 students enrolled,aims to meet the training requirements for executive management talents,promote “Talents Strategy” in enterprises and create a new cooperative stage betweenGDUFS and enterprises.
ProfJiao Fangtai, Vice President of GDUFS delivering the welcome speech
Prof Jiao Fangtai, Vice President ofGDUFS, delivered the opening speech. He greatly welcomed these commercialtalents, who can bring freshest ideas and communications. He also pointed thatthis program is the fruit of GDUFS and many excellent entrepreneurs. It is wellknown that university-enterprise cooperation is a valuable and meaningful topicamong both business and academic fields.
Prof ZhuWenzhong,Dean of School of Business,delivering the speech
Prof Zhu Wenzhong, Dean of School ofBusiness, made the brief introduction on teaching features, scientific researchesand talents cultivation. From his perspective, the advantages of School ofBusiness are composed of strong major knowledge, outstanding comprehensivecapabilities and excellent moral qualities. He expressed his hope about thecombination between practical working experience and educational training.
Gu Pu,Vice-President of Bauing Group, delivering the speech
Gu Pu, Vice-President of Bauing Group,Visiting Lecture Professor of GDUFS addressed that learning by doing is thecore value of Bauing Group. Bauing Group and GDUFS enjoy the long-termuniversity-enterprise cooperation relationship. This Program aims to narrow thegap and exchange minds with the idea of “learning by doing”.
Presenting Giftsand expressing wishes
ProfJiao Fangtai and Honorary Chairman of Guangwai Entrepreneur Association presentedthe souvenir to this program, expressed the best wishes to all students.
Prof DongXiaolin,Former Vice President of GDUFS,lecturing course
Thefirst course of program, themed with “2017 China Economy Development Trends”was tutored by Prof Dong Xiaolin, former Vice President of GDUFS. He explainedeconomy development outlook from three aspects: current China economydevelopment trends, several problems during the development and the observationson Guangzhou’s economy development.
Class photo
Group Photo