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Feng Shanshan from School of Business Won Bronze Medal
2016-08-30 10:50  


On August  20th, during the 2016 Rio Olympic women's golf finals,Feng Shanshan, the  Chinese player and graduate student of School of Business, GDUFS, won the  bronze medal with a total score of 274.

This is the  second Olympic medal in the history of our university, following the silver  medal won by Luo Qian in Synchronised Swimming in London Olympic Games.


Feng won the  bronze medal in her debut in Olympics, which is a breakthrough in China’s  golf sports undertakings.


Feng’s  excellent performance has drawn great attention from numerous media, which  include but are not limited to Xinhua Website , People Website, China Daily  Website, CCTV Website and PhoenixNet. China’s women golf event has come under  the global spotlight.



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