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School of Business Representatives Attended
2016-10-25 10:53  

From October 16th to 18th,  2016, the 6th International Business School Shanghai Conference was held by  Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University.  The conference welcomed about 220 participants from 42 countries and  territories, which included deans from domestic and overseas business schools  and officials of global business school networks such as AACSB,EFMD,AMBA and  GMAC.The conference addressed the challenges and opportunities facing  business schools against the backdrop of globalization, rapid development of  electronic technique and the implementation of “Belt and Road”Strategy.

As a member of EFMD, our school attended  the conference upon invitation.


Dr. Miao Xueling, our school’s contact  person of EPAS, attended the seminar of the topic “market trend, education  quality and certification”. Ulrich, director of quality service and Japhet, senior  consultant of Asian-Pacific region introduced service items of EFMD and  explained the systems of EQUIS and EPAS.

The conference deepened our school’s  understanding of the objective and the values of EFMD, which will push  forward our school’s completion of EPAS international accreditation.




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