From November 13 to 16,2016, 2016 AMBA Asian Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors, which wassponsored by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), was undertaken by NagoyaUniversity of Commerce & Business (NUCB), attracting about 100representatives of famous universities, colleges, and institutions around theworld. The associate dean Liang Jie and the international accreditation adviserof AMBA JiaJia attended the conference on invitation.
The theme of the conferenceis “Spirit for Development, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship under the ChangingEconomic Environment”. The conference was consisted of eleven links and severaltopics including the evolution of business school, students’ vocationaldevelopment in MBA projects, entrepreneurship education and innovation ofecosystem, strategies and tendency of AMBA, new certification standards ofAMBA, how to balance the outputs and quality of research products, recruitmentof MBA project of business schools in the world. Speakers include AMBA CEOAndrew Main Wilson, chairman of International Accreditation Advisory BoardAndrew Lock, chairman of International Management Board Len Jones, chiefadviser in China of AMBA professor Wang Zhongming, director of marketdevelopment George IIieve, and representatives of famous scholars, Japaneseentrepreneurs, and education institutions from all over the world.
During the conference,representatives visited the first-class teaching facilities of NUCB. Besides,Liang Jie and Jia Jia exchanged opinions on development of MBA of this schooland accreditation of business school with colleagues home and aboard, anddiscussed the possibility of inter-school cooperation with some universitiesand colleges.
The Association of MBAs (AMBA) wasfounded in 1967, specialized in the international accreditation forpost-graduate educational project like MBA of business school. As a platformfor bringing a school to an international school of higher business studies,the AMBA accreditation serves as a passport to become a famous internationalbusiness school and a guarantee mechanism for sustainable development andconstant improvement of a school. Up to December, 2016, there are 30 businessschools in the mainland China that have obtained the AMBA accreditation. Theschool obtained the AMBA accreditation in March, 2015, the 26th business schoolin the mainland China and the 225th around the world that obtained theaccreditation.