From November 17 to 21,2016, the 8th BRICS Students Meet was held in Bangalore and Cochin, India. Theconference was hosted by Association of BRICS Business Schools -- ABBS, andundertaken by Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship (XIME),India.
Over 200 experts and MBAstudents of 14 business schools from BRICS attended. Associate dean of Schoolof Business of GDUFS Yuan Denghua, associate professor Zeng Yuran, togetherwith six students, attended the conference.
Professor Yuan Denghuaaddressed the conference, expressing the school’s sustainable support to theABBS platform and wish for co-construction and win-win outcomes. His speechreceived warm responses from participating experts.
The delegation of GDUFSperformed exceptionally in all parts of the contest, distinguishing itself fromthe rest 13 delegations. In the end, the delegation won three first prizes andone second prize, demonstrating the excellent comprehensive qualities andelegant appearance of MBA students of GDUFS.
The theme of this conferenceis “Challenges in Globalization”. Wang Shuai, a student of GDUFS, gave ahumorous topic speech, which coupled with multilingual expression and novel PPTpresentation, impressed all the audience and won constant applause.
During the artisticperformance, the delegation of GDUFS performed Chinese Kung Fu “Wing Chun”. Inthe performance, Cui Yanyi demonstrated the movements of using minimum strengthto move a weight, expanding audience’s horizon and astonishing foreign friends.
During the debatecompetition, Cui Yanyi and Lin Wenyin copiously quoted authoritative works andgave a tit for tat response, wining constant applause. In the followingcompetitions like the best manager competition, business games, and topicinnovative puzzle, students of our school distinguished themselves from othercompetitors by perfect plans, organization, leadership, and high controlability.
On November 19, all teachersand students from BRICS went to the Cochin (a coastal city in western India)campus of the hosing university. That night, in the cultural performance, fourbeautiful girls (students) of our school used “Chinese fans” to demonstrate theprofound traditional Chinese culture to foreign friends once again. What’smore, our students combined Chinese culture with the award Q&A activity,attracting the active participation of many foreign teachers and students. Allparticipants actively gave their answers, causing constant laughter and oneclimax after another.
On November 18, under theguidance of teachers and students of the hosting university, all participantsvisited the Infosys Technologies Ltd, a famous company located in Bangalore,the capital of technology. Infosys was the first Indian company that wentpublic in America. It ranked 14th in Forbes in 2008. The company has over100,000 employees in 27 countries. The humanistic facilities and vigorouscorporate culture of the company left all visitors an deep impression, whichalso proved the international status of India in terms of IT and software.
Then, the hosting universityorganized all participants to observe Indian culture. Our students had closecommunications with students of BRICS. They not only learned the unique localcustoms and practices in games, but also gained deep friendships with teachersand students of BRICS.