From May 14to 17, at the invitation of the Association of MBAs (AMBA), Zhu Wenzhong, Dean ofSchool of Business and Xu Yiqing, Director of SOB Office, on behalf of Schoolof Business, attended the Global Deans and Directors Conference for the AMBA's50th anniversary held in Dubai.
Over 250 deans and directors of business or management schools from dozens of countriesof six continents gathered together, discussing the challenges and futuredevelopment of management education and celebrating the AMBA's 50thanniversary. At this year’s conference, deans of renowned business schools havediscussed and exchanged views on such heated topics as value positioning of MBAin the new era, entrepreneurship, action learning, online teaching,globalization and globalization of education.
On ehighlight of this year’s conference was that deans of business schools from thesix continents were asked to raise questions about the challenges faced bymanagement education so as to encourage brainstorming and explore solutionstogether. On behalf of GDUFS, DeanZhu Wenzhong was invited onto the stage tointroduce the characteristics and positioning of GDUFS’s MBA education and toreport on the continuous progress GDUFS has made in the quality of MBAeducation since it achieved AMBA accreditation. He pointed out that teachingquality and brand influence of the MBA project of School of Business of GDUFSkeep improving since School of Business achieved AMBA accreditation in March,2015. The latest survey targeted at the school’s students and alumni shows thatover 90% of them recognized the profound impacts of AMBA accreditation onteaching quality, school-running characteristics and the quality of the studentpool. In addition, he also expressed his doubt about whether business schoolsshould pursue more international accreditation such as AACSB simultaneously.Centering on this question, experts attended the conference have shared theexperience of their affiliated business schools in improving teaching qualityand brand influence through multiple international accreditations, and theimportance of constantly enhancing teaching quality by relying on internationalaccreditation and evaluation.
Soonafterwards, Dean Zhu Wenzhong and Director Xu Yiqing also had an in-depthcommunication with the participated AMBA’s officials, and they also consultedthe association’s leaders and experts about the AMBA re-accreditation of Schoolof Business at the end of this year. Dean Zhu Wenzhong also had extensiveexchanges with his counterparts and has agreed to cooperate with part of thebusiness schools.
The exchangesat the conference have generated far-reaching implications, with communicationand ties between School of Business of GDUFS and AMBA being strengthened,cooperation and interaction between School of Business and its counterpartsaround the world being stepped up, and the brand influence and globalcooperation networks of School of Business being expanded.