The result of the 2017National Natural Science Foundation Projects was unveiled recently. Vice Deanof School of Business(SOB), Prof. Yuan Denghua’s project “Research onthe Mental Mechanism and Management Strategies of the Consumers to the Brands inthe Age of Internet" was approved. This was the second time that Prof.Yuan Denghua obtained the National Natural Science Foundation projectsponsorship, which made contributions for the academic research of the school.
After the review, projectsof 8 teachers from BS were approved, 3 of them were surface projects, 5 weresupported by National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar.The total number of approved projects had increased by 2 compared to 2016 whilethe total amount of direct funding for the projects was 2.67 million RMB.
The 2017 funded researchprojects were mainly about mathematics, information science and management science.Project leaders were from the School of Finance, Collaborative InnovationCenter for Language Research and Services, Cisco School of Informatics,Research Institute of Cantonese Merchants, School of Economics and Trade andSchool of Business. Among the abovementioned schools and faculties, the performanceof the School of Finance was the most outstanding with 3 teachers' projectsapproved. Among the 8 project leaders, 4 young scholars and one surface projectleader were introduced Yunshan Scholar of GDUFS. Yuan Denghua, Wang Junwei and Hao Tianyong were supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation for the second time.