On the afternoon of September 7, SOB held an appointment conference of leaders in the 403 conference room, Ninth Building, North Campus.Vice President JIAO Fangtai, minister of organization FANG Yingsheng, andmembers of SOB’s leader team and representatives of faculty attended theconference. The conference was host by Dean ZHU Wenzhong.
At the beginning of the conference, FANG Yingsheng announcedthe Party Committee of GDUFS’s decision aboutappointing LI Hua as Party Secretary of SOB and DING Hao as Deputy Dean of SOB.
Li Hua gave her inaugural speech in the theme of "keepingfeet on solid ground, working diligently and with a good mental state".She firstly expressed her gratitude for the encouragement and support from SOB.She said that she will be a good leader in building a good team, adhere to theleadership of the Party, resolutely implement the decision of the the Party Committeeof GDUFS, maintain and carry forward the advantages in party building andideological and political work which were passed down inside SOB and put toppriority on the university's stability and development. She made a resolutionthat she will always be magnanimous, do noble things and become a practical person.She will keep innovating and working diligently with SOB’s faculty and staffto fulfill the purpose of cultivating international high-end business talentsand strive to making SOB a high-level business school characterized byinternationalization.
DING Hao gave his inaugural speech. He firstly expressed hisgratitude for the trust and care from SOB and the guidance and help fromleaders and teachers. He admitted that he has many shortcomings and still needsto learn and improve. He also said that he will put priority on the work ofinternational certification after taking office. He believed that with thejoint forces of the leader team and the unanimous support of the faculty, SOBwill accomplish the international certification with high quality andefficiency, bringing newer and brighter color to SOB.
On behalf of the the Party Committee of GDUFS, JIAOFangtai extended congratulations to the newly inaugurated Secretary LI Hua and DeputyDean DING Hao. JIAO Fangtai said that, LI Hua has rich experience in Partywork, strong management skills, and high efficiency in work. After joining theleader group, she will certainly make new achievements and further promote newprogress and new development for the cause of SOB. JIAO Fangtai also gave fullrecognition to Ding Hao for he has high comprehensive qualities, a strong senseof responsibility and the ability to do well in appointed jobs. JIAO Fangtaipointed out that SOB has a very good team which is remarkable in experience,responsibility, confidence, cooperation and many other areas. And he hoped thefaculty and staff can support the work of the new team. SOB shoulders animportant task in cultivating high-end business talents for GDUFS. Therefore asmembers in SOB, teachers should be proud and responsible to work together to buildSOB into a high-level business school characterized by internationalization.
On behalf of the leader team of SOB, ZHU Wenzhong resolutelyupheld the decision of the Party Committee of GDUFS, welcomed Secretary LI Huato work in SOB as well as congratulating DING Hao on being a part of the leaderteam of SOB. ZHU Wenzhong also said that he will earnestly understand and fullyimplement the instructions of Vice President JIAO, unite and lead the leaderteam and all faculty and staff to complete the tasks of this semester and topromote a better and faster development for SOB, working unremittingly tofulfill the strategic vision of making SOB a high-level business schoolcharacterized by internationalization.