Recently,the school held an activity named “Lectures by Famed Foreign teachers”.Professor Neal Ashkanasy from School of Business of Australia University of Queenslandwas invited to make three lectures. During this period, Dean Zhu Wenzhong and ViceDean Liang Jie met with Professor Neal and had a talk. Some teachers, graduatestudents and undergraduates attended the lectures. The lectures were hosted byProfessor Yuan Denghua, Vice Dean of SOB.
OnSeptember 25th , Neal gave a lecture entitled “What does it take to become asuccessful SOB scholar” at Room 358, Faculty Building, SouthCampus. Combining his own research experience and his experience as a topjournal editor, he emphasized that if one wants to enhance personal academicinfluence, it is important to publish academic achievements in internationaltop academic journals. The acceptance rate of top journals of is very low, lessthan 8%. The following three practices is indispensable: hard work, establishmentof academic exchange platform and innovative thinking. Top journals have harshrequirements for the level of knowledge contribution, logic, method, writingand format of the content of the articles and editors hold an attitude of zerotolerance toward the errors.
Inthe Q&A section, Neal introduced his legendary experience of transformingfrom a water conservancy engineer to a expert of organizational behavior. He answeredwittily and meticulously some hot and difficult problems from the teachers andstudents, such as organizational emotional research, global leadership,experience sampling method.
On September 26th , Nealshared the “Publishing for Impact”(how to publishacademic papers in international high journals) with some teachers inconference room 402 of the Ninth Teaching Building, North Campus and conducteda comprehensive, in-deep and specific exchange on the path and method.
OnSeptember 28th , Neal made an academic report entitled “Hot and EmergingTopics for Research in OB” at the first conference roomof the Academic Exchange Center, South Campus. He first pointed out theimportance of emotional research in organizational behavior and made a briefintroduction to the main factors affecting emotions. He vividly sorted avariety of emotions with a picture, and showed that emotions are expressedthrough specific behavior, such as some facial expressions and body language.The five dimensions of the emotions in the organization are personal emotions,differences of emotions between individuals, influences between interpersonalinteractions, internal leaders and all members of the organization, the impactof the atmosphere of the whole organization. He also cited an example of therelationship between emotion and creativity to demonstrate his point of view.
Inthis lecture series, Professor Neal presented a fresh and rich academic feastfor the teachers and students with his extensive expertise and humorous speechstyle. We all benefited a lot from the lectures.