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Leaders of School of Business Attended the 2nd East Asian Partner Dialogue on LatinAmerican Studies International Conference
2017-12-08 11:52  


The 2nd East Asian Partner Dialogue on Latin American Studies International Conference was held in Guangzhou from November16th to 17th. The conference was co-sponsored by Latin American Institute of Chinese Academy Social Sciences, Sun Yat-sen Universityand University of Macau to promote cooperation among academic institutions in East Asia and Latin America and establish a think tank forum under the frame workof East Asia-Latin America Forum. Dean of School of Business Zhu Wenzhong and Associate Dean Liang Jie attended the conference.

Ambassador Zhao Hongsheng, the Department of Latin Americanof the Foreign Ministry presented a speech to highlight the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and introduce the status quo and future development potential of China-Latin America relationship. The conference focused on the situation of East Asia and Latin America against the background of globalization and counter globalization, the prospects of regional cooperation,the process of integration and the construction of cooperation mechanism oftrans-regional think tank. More than 50 experts and scholars from Japan, SouthKorea, Brazil, Argentina, Russia and other foreign and domestic Latin American research institutions attended the conference.

Focusingon how to promote the trans-regional cooperation of Latin American research,Dean Zhu Wenzhong made a speech titled Belt & Roadand The Scientific Research Cooperation Mechanism between China and LatinAmerica. He introduced the history, the mainachievements and main experiences of research cooperation between School ofBusiness and Latin-American universities and put forward some new ideas and suggestions for future research cooperation.

During the conference, Zhu, Liang and other leaders, experts and scholars participatedin extensive and in-depth exchanges.

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